Lecture announcement

Documents: 9. Aug. 2023 : Lecture announcement
Notice of the conclusion of the contract

Documents: 11. Feb. 2020: Notice of the concluded Contract for the JN reconstruction of the roof on the building of the MZ Glusci 8. Jan. 2020: Notice on the conclusion of the Contract for JN gas oil extra light Euro el for the needs of the primary school in Dublje 8. Jan. 2020: Notice on […]
Tender documentation for public procurement

Documents: 8. Jan. 2020: Tender documentation for JN mobile telephony services for the needs of the Bogatić Municipal Administration 25. Dec. 2019: Tender documentation for JN development of the reconstruction and expansion project of the water supply system of Bogatica and the surrounding rural settlements – the second stage of the first phase of construction […]
Call for tenders for public procurement

Documents: 8. Jan. 2020: Call for tenders for JN mobile telephony services for the needs of the Bogatić Municipal Administration 25. Dec. 2019 : : Call for tenders for JN construction of the reconstruction and expansion project of the water supply system of Bogatica and the surrounding rural settlements – the second stage of the […]