Competition for awarding student scholarships

Documents: 9. Dec. 2020: Decision on awarding scholarships for 2020/2021 17. Oct. 2019: Competition for awarding student scholarships to students of higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia for the 2019/2020 school year
PUBLIC NOTICE for the purpose of collecting proposals for co-financing the annual programs of sports organizations in the territory of the municipality of Bogatić in 2021.

The Municipality of Bogatić has published a Public Notice for the purpose of collecting proposals for co-financing the annual programs of sports organizations in the territory of the municipality of Bogatić in 2021. year. The full text of the Notice, as well as the Forms, can be downloaded via the links on this page, below […]
Public competition for filling a position in the Bogatic Municipal Administration

Documents: 2. Dec. 2019: Form 1 for application to the public competition for the filling of an executive position in the Bogatic Municipal Administration 2. Dec. 2019: Public competition for the filling of an executive position in the Bogatic Municipal Administration
Public call for the allocation of car seats for children for passenger vehicles

Documents – 7. Nov. 2019: Application form following a public call for the allocation of car seats for passenger vehicles – 7. Nov. 2019 : List of parents from 2018. who have met the requirement for the allocation of child seats for passenger vehicles – 7. Nov. 2019: Public call for the allocation of car […]
Public call for the allocation of subsidies for self-employment

Documents: 30. May 2019 : Request with a business plan for the award of a subsidy for self-employment – LAPZ for 2019. a year 30. May 2019 : Public call for the unemployed to receive a subsidy for self-employment in 2019. year